Content and Your Followers in Instagram

When it comes to online communication, what many people are now realizing – or subconsciously doing, already – is that useful, attention-getting content is important. Be it text, photos or videos, content must be able to catch people’s attention, be it through the sheer strangeness of its premise, or through humor, or even through unstoppable curiosity. Yes, formal content is still important, but seriously, if you want people to come back and visit your page, you should think about how to “dress up” your content, so that people will keep coming back for more.

Instagram: Curating Content

When Instagram first started, many people simply thought of it as a photo dump, like it was something like Flickr or Photobucket, but with social media functionality. In fact, the name itself became a symbol for its original purpose: to have photos up on twitter, Facebook, and other websites immediately, without having to upload to a traditional photo gallery first. However, things changed when people began to use Instagram in ways that hewed closer to social media than it did to a photo upload gallery.

Instagram Followers Change The Concept

You see, like other social median sites, people could add you to their Instagram feeds, and this became a powerful marketing and sales pitch. Suddenly, the idea that you should get Instagram followers in bulk became an important Internet marketing strategy. Online personalities, companies, and artists started to treat Instagram as more than just a photo dump. What happened was that they realized that Instagram could become a content channel in itself. By posting viral content that could be educational, amusing or even thematically interesting, Instagram profile owners could get more Instagram followers to sign up, and this enlarged the scope of their content channel. In a way, what happened is that private and business entities started curating (selecting) online content that they knew would attract more Instagram followers, which would be better for their own purposes.

READ:  The Benefits of Buying Followers on Instagram


The other ace card that Instagram had up its sleeve when it came to the social media networks was that it made on-the-go content a possibility. Instead of a blog owner typing about his experiences as they were happening, all he had to do was take a photo of what was happening, and then post it online. This feeling of being there became the modern equivalent of the saying that a picture could paint a thousand words.

Accelerating The Building Process

That’s where the need to buy Instagram followers comes in. if you were to leave the process of gaining followers to natural organic traffic, you would probably end up waiting months, or even years to reach critical mass to make your Instagram profile a true content channel. However, when you buy Instagram followers cheap, you can accelerate the organic process. While it’s true that you may end up with a majority of the bulk-bought Instagram followers not reacting, but as you hone your content development, you will see more and more interaction and sharing – and with more sharing, you will get more organic traffic and followers. So remember, there’s nothing wrong with acquiring Instagram followers in bulk. What matters is that you get a jumpstart with your content channel.